Everett Doner, Executive Chef Events

My colleagues and I at Executive Chef Events are feeling a growing excitement.
While we don’t entirely know how it will happen, there is increasingly a sense that we’ll be able to resume our in-person team building culinary events. These activities, particularly our Iron Chef Competitions and themed Cooking Classes have been the bread and butter of our work world for many years now - until COVID stopped them cold, along with most everything else public.
Now, however, with vaccines becoming more widely available (our team is fortunate in that most of us have received at least one dose) and with positivity rates tentatively declining in California and ICU beds more and more empty, we - along with you - can start to feel a bit more excited about resuming what we do best - teaching your group about food in a passionate way, whether through your team’s next offsite, getaway, or sales recognition event.
Remember - we’re trained professional chefs and culinary professionals, and most of us have chosen this profession to be able to bring our enthusiasm for food and team building to people. In this way we’re a lot like performers - it’s much more natural and rewarding for us to get to see, greet, teach, and work with you in person rather than virtually, particularly when what we teach is tied to something as fleeting and personal as using our senses to craft food.
We will, of course, need a while to see how local and state governments begin to open up in-person dining, but know we’ll be monitoring COVID safety regulations closely in order to be able to join you across a kitchen stove, knife block, or dining room table safely in order to share our love of food with your group.
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